In a synodal church, we need a fresh dialogue regarding complementarity.
A Short Summary from the FutureChurch Synod Report
Nearly 600 Catholics, representing 170 dioceses participated in FutureChurch's synod listening sessions.
Women are the lifeblood of the Church.
The Catholic Church Wouldn't Be Catholic if it weren't for us.
The first woman to serve as undersecretary for the Synod of Bishops offers her first remarks in that role.
This FutureChurch Celebrating Women Witnesses for Racial Justice inaugural prayer service highlights and celebrates the witness of Sr. Antona Ebo.
Dr. Doris Wagner Reisinger accepts our 2020 Sr. Christine Schenk Award for Young Catholic Leaders and offers remarks on the clergy sexual abuse crisis.
Welcoming the prophets among us
Journeying through fear
Living in right relationship with God and one another
Breathing God's Breath of Life into a Broken World.
We have already been given the Spirit.
The first session of our three-part series with author, Sr. Christine Schenk, CSJ, and Sr. Theresa Kane, RSM
We are all called to image Christ in the world today.
How can we shepherd each other to fullness of life?
How can we heal the inequities, inequalities, and trauama this pandemic has cast new light on?
How can we recognize, or even savor, God's abundant blessings in the midst of darkness and suffering?
Sister Christine Schenk, CSJ reflects on the Women of Holy Week
FutureChurch's Online Liturgy of the Word celebrating the Fifth Sunday of Lent.
FutureChurch brings the voices and perspectives of women and progressive Catholics to online opportunities for worship and prayer during this time of distancing, isolation, and quarantine
The promise of a global movement for women's equality in the Catholic Church.
Greece Pilgrimage participants celebrate International Women's Day
Reflecting on our first full day in Greece
Results of FutureChurch Bishop of Cleveland Survey
We honor the legacy of Sr. Carmel McEnroy and recognize her importance for our work today.
Marie Collins is the foremost advocate for justice for survivors of clergy sexual abuse
Karen Gargamelli-McCreight is a co-founder of Benincasa Community in New York City.
As the story of resignations from "Women Church World" becomes more complex, patriarchy still deserves a share of the blame
The project’s reception and reach has exceeded even the wildest dreams of the steering committee.
This Liturgy of the Word was prepared for use in our 2019 Mary of Magdala Celebrations.
Following in the footsteps of the Apostle to the Apostles, a growing chorus is making their voices heard.
Schenk argues convincingly in this historical analysis that many women in the early centuries of Church history were viewed by their contemporaries as “persons of authority with significant religious influence.
It was especially meaningful for me to know that I was in the presence of all these saints -- past and present -- as we celebrated a bread breaking service.
Sisters, what do you need?; FutureChurch's 30 year work for married priests is becoming a reality; Voices of Courage and Hope; The Catacomb Pact also signed by the Synod Mothers
To see the Maria 2.0 women in action is to believe in its power to break down the patriarchal walls of the Church.
Women religious from around the world had a chance to tell their stories of struggle and hope at the October 4 Voices of Faith Event.
During our Feeding Five Thousand Campaign FutureChurch willl produce high quality posters of "St. Mary of Magdala Proclaims the Resurrection" by artist Margaret Beaudette, S.C., and send them to five thousand Catholic schools, universities, and seminaries.
The memoir will be available this month.
I left feeling uplifted, with a better understanding of what it means to be a Feminist.
Girls who encounter a rich array of Christian God-talk can grow in their relationship with God and with the Christian tradition.
In determining the AUSCP priorities for the next year, the assembly voted to keep women’s equality high on the list.
Once told that she had “little to no chance of winning” parish closure cases, Sr. Kate developed strategies that broke new ground in defending parish rights.
Deborah Rose-Milavec reflects on major moments, insights from the fifth meeting of the the International Catholic Reform Network in Warsaw
Solenni reasons that women are often better at preaching than priests, but “no matter how wonderful or how terrible” the priest who is in persona Christi with a soul “indelibly marked” and is given priority of place “by virtue of his ordination, not his moral character.”
It’s been the Word of God that has become my very core
FutureChurch pilgrims receive a warm welcome at the Pio Cristiano museum
Annie Burns offers a new way of thinking about the Parable of the Prodigal Son
Today, in a new way, I am thankful for the Communion of Saints.
As the story of resignations from "Women Church World" becomes more complex, patriarchy still deserves a share of the blame
FutureChurch pilgrimage begins with a visit to Santa Maria Sopra Minvera, where Catherine of Siena is buried
"With the closure of 'Donna Chiesa Mondo' ends, or rather breaks off, a new and exceptional experience for the Church..."
Russ and Sr. Chris arrive in Rome to the news of Lucetta Scaraffia's resignation from "Women Church World" published by the Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano
28 pilgrims set to excavate the evidence of women's authority in the early church, reap the rewards of ground-breaking research by Sr. Chris.
Synod final document contains many reasons for hope.
"In the end, this church will open to women’s full and equal participation. We are all doing our part to make that a reality."
"I love this church everyday, but some days I am in love…"
Deb Rose-Milavec recounts her one-on-one conversation with Bishop Everard Johannes de Jong of the Netherlands and lifts up a few hopeful voices
Auditors Yadira Vieyara and Sebastian Duhau cut through with messages of listening, love, and accompaniment
The whole Church should say, 'Amen!'
We are the People of God and we aren’t finished yet.
When asked about women at the Synod, one panelist's "joke" sucks the air out of the room
Slowly filling in the "who's who" of the Synod
Deb Rose-Milavec continues to question Synod participants about women in the Church
Journalists eager to take advantage of the presence of Archbishop Scicluna, peppered him with so many questions about clergy sex abuse that Vatican conductor Greg Burke smilingly called for a new topic.
It is clear that if they seek a more vibrant church, they have no other real choices.
Even if the optics at the press briefings are superimposed to make the synod look more legitimate, what matters is who decides and what is decided.