A Short Summary from the FutureChurch Synod Report
Nearly 600 Catholics, representing 170 dioceses participated in FutureChurch's synod listening sessions.
Sister Kate Kuenstler, longtime canonical advocate for the rights of laity in the Church, entered into eternal life on October 28, 2019
Approximately forty dioceses struggle to staff each of their parishes with a resident priest.
Lowney unwraps a definition of leadership that works for his proposed solutions to critical problems besetting today’s Catholic Church
What does the shrinking number of priests mean for the future of the church?
A married priest talks about his ministry.
Over the past six months Catholics from thirteen dioceses across the U.S. and four dioceses in England have downloaded the free Save Our Parish Community resources from the FutureChurch website.
FutureChurch and the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests will host the Third International Conference of Priest Associations and Reform Organizations
Parish life in the face of the impending priest shortage does not necessarily need to end badly.
AUSCP’s vision is to be “a priests’ voice of hope and joy within our pilgrim church.”