Women are the lifeblood of the Church.
FutureChurch decries CDF Responsum and Endorses Austrian Priests' Initiative Declaring They Will Continue to Bless Same Sex Love
Dr. Cecilia González-Andrieu offers a beautiful vision of Church for today's realities.
Auditors Yadira Vieyara and Sebastian Duhau cut through with messages of listening, love, and accompaniment
FutureChurch brings its unique perspective to reporting on the Synod
In response to Pope Francis's announcement of a Jubilee Year of Mercy, FutureChurch introduced their Women Witnesses of Mercy series.
Father Charles Curran and Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher addressed FutureChurch supporters at 26th Annual Fall Event.
Pope Francis issued a new decree stating that women should be included in foot washing rites held on Holy Thursday.
When Pope Francis agreed to “constitute an official commission” to study the question of women deacons, FutureChurch had already laid the groundwork for this unforeseen opportunity.
The Joy of Love has long been a way of life for many Catholics in many places.
Pope Francis issued Amoris Laetitia, translated The Joy of Love, his post-synodal guidance in the form of an apostolic exhortation.
They dreamed new dreams, healed old wounds and tenaciously carried forward the vision, even when it was lonely, so that the Church might be whole, holy and more fully equipped to carry out the work of the Gospel.