A Short Summary from the FutureChurch Synod Report
Women are the lifeblood of the Church.
FutureChurch decries CDF Responsum and Endorses Austrian Priests' Initiative Declaring They Will Continue to Bless Same Sex Love
As faithful Catholics, we lament the U.S. Catholic community’s complicity and participation in fostering an environment that encouraged and enabled such violence.
Fr. Bryan Massingale accepts our 2020 Louis Trivison Award in recognition of his prophetic work with and for Black and LGBTQ Catholics and offers a presentation on racial justice and the Catholic Church.
This Liturgy of the Word was prepared for use in our 2019 Mary of Magdala Celebrations.
Following in the footsteps of the Apostle to the Apostles, a growing chorus is making their voices heard.
We are deeply grateful for the witness of our board members. and our work will be shaped by their prophetic vision.
Deborah Rose-Milavec reflects on major moments, insights from the fifth meeting of the the International Catholic Reform Network in Warsaw
Synod final document contains many reasons for hope.
"In the end, this church will open to women’s full and equal participation. We are all doing our part to make that a reality."
"I love this church everyday, but some days I am in love…"
Cardinal Blase Cupich and others respond to questions regarding clergy sex abuse, LGBT Catholics
Auditors Yadira Vieyara and Sebastian Duhau cut through with messages of listening, love, and accompaniment
The whole Church should say, 'Amen!'
We are the People of God and we aren’t finished yet.
When asked about women at the Synod, one panelist's "joke" sucks the air out of the room
Journalists eager to take advantage of the presence of Archbishop Scicluna, peppered him with so many questions about clergy sex abuse that Vatican conductor Greg Burke smilingly called for a new topic.
It is clear that if they seek a more vibrant church, they have no other real choices.
Gay priests aren't to blame for the abuse crisis.
How Younger Catholics Understand Their Catholicity & What It Means for the Catholic Institutions and Communities in the Future.
FutureChurch and the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests will host the Third International Conference of Priest Associations and Reform Organizations