Christine Schenk, CSJ
Save Our Parish CommunitySr. Kate Kuenstler—passionate advocate for the People of God—Presente!

Sister Kate Kuenstler, longtime canonical advocate for the rights of laity in the Church, entered into eternal life on October 28, 2019

Justice in the ChurchRemembering Fr. Mike Crosby

Speaker and award-winning author known for his work in Church reform died on August 5, 2017.

Women in Church LeadershipExcavating Evidence of Women's Authority in Early Christianity

Crispina and Her Sisters: Women and Authority in the Early Church will be published by Fortress Press in the Fall of 2017.

Women in Church LeadershipReaping the Fruits of Decades of Work Advocating for Mary of Magdala

Sr. Chris Schenk, CSJ reflects on the elevation of St. Mary of Magdala's memorial to a feast day.

Christine Schenk, CSJ

Sr. Christine Schenk, CSJ, co-founder of FutureChurch is now director emerita.. Her National Catholic Reporter column “Simply Spirit” appears online twice a month and periodically in print.

Sr. Christine Schenk, CSJ, co-founder of FutureChurch is now director emerita.. Her National Catholic Reporter column “Simply Spirit” appears online twice a month and periodically in print.